My n-Daily Ranting

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri died

Schiavo dies after feeding tube removed
Now the epic saga ends.
We still need to know one thing: Autopsy result.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

SS reform

It looks to me that Bush's SS reform is dead in the water.
It's a shame. I would love to divert some money into my
private account. I would love it even more to abolish the
SS all together and raise the IRA contribution limits.
Heck, SS will be broke when I retire and I will not be
able to get a penny out. Let me jump boat right now.
There will always be people who cannot take care of their
financials. Look at how many people who earn W-2s and
don't trade stocks, are unable do their taxes and happily
take tax refund loans at H&R Block. Amazing!
It seems like the percentages of such morons are especially
high in US.

Boston toll

Fee eyed for those who drive into Hub
Remind me, why do I want to drive into the city anymore?
RedSox? I don't care about them a stinking bit.
Glad the Pats are in Foxboro.
Chinese restaurant in Chinatown? I can't find a parking
anyway. I admit I miss the food a little bit. Chinese
restaurants in suburbs serve primarily Americanized food.
However, trend is more good restaurants are moving out.
Waltham, Belmont, Lexington, Natick, to name a few,
all have good ones.
Asian supermarkets? They used to sell dirt cheap, but not
any more. Some produce are selling at higher price than
American peers. Why should I pay more while the store is
like crap?
And safety issues. The new shinny(?) tunnel leaks and I
don't want to for a second drive in that piece of shit.
Boston stinks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Enough feeding tubes already

Or not?
Pope John Paul II may have to return to the hospital to have a feeding tube inserted
Does pope have a living will and health proxy?
I guess by making the above comment, I deserve stoned to death.

ATS sucks

Accenture Technology Solutions sucks.
I interviewed with ATS last week. Everything
went well until this morning when ATS made a
verbal offer. The base salary is exactly the
same as my current salary, not 1 cent more.
What a moron. ATS even shamelessly claim that
with 10% overtime pay, the so-called package
is better than my current. Fuck, overtime is
not free money for me. I have to work my butts
for it. I am cheap, but not that cheap. I
rejected the offer on the phone.
I browsed and found many negative
vents against Accenture, which did not help
at all, of course.
If it's a sign, a headhunter sent me a job
description the minute I put down the phone.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The least resistent path

Let Terri go.
It's more clear than ever that the least
resistent path right now would be let her go.
Time is up. There used to be a time when the
least resistent path would be for the parents
to take custody and take care of Terri. Now
that time has passed. Fair or not, it's over.

Hypocrisy abundant

The moral of the whole Terri saga is NOT
The right to live vs. The right to die
The riligious right vs. The liberal left
Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
The spouse vs. The parents
The State vs. The Fed

People on all sides of the issue are HYPOCRITES.

The religious right believe that it is immoral to
do anything unnatural to stop the possibility of
starting a life. i.e. condoms, birth control, etc.
But it is perfectly OK to use every unnatural means
possible to avoid the natural process of the end of
live. i.e. mechanical means to keep a human alive
for 15 years, who would otherwise die.

The liberal left believe that it is immoral to
kill a convicted death row crimial. They would
do anything to stop the possibility of executing
the crimial, let the guy drag out the appeal process
and eventally exonerated by a governor.
But it is perfectly OK to execute Terri with unusual
and cruel punishment of starvation and dehydration?
Heck, it's only 7 years of court fight. Some death
row crimial gets a lot more than that. And Terri
doesn't even have a chance of exoneration.

Of course, yours truly, is among the HYPOCRITES,
and probably the worst kind, who switched the
stance. Yep, I flip-flopped.

So once again, I would turn to the chinese wisdom
that lasted thousands of years:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Let her go

Five days have passed. Two federal courts refused
to intervene. Supreme court has refused to hear
the case before and it might just do it again.
IANAD, but five days of dehydration and starvation
will surely weaken someone's health. If Terri
stood some tiny chance to recover, she stood 0,
nil now.
Let Terri go and move on with life.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Necessary evil?

I can't say I am extremely pleased with events over
the weekend. Having the fed meddling with family
disputes and state jurisdiction erks me.
I am glad indeed that Terri now has a chance to
live on, although at a deep price.
A necessary evil? I don't know anymore. I am at the
tipping point of feeling unworthy of my whole
viewpoint in this issue.
Globe states:
"The bill, which is narrowly written to apply only
to Schiavo, would give a federal district court in
Florida the power to review all aspects of her case."
Am I being naive here to believe this will be the case?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Breaking news

A Florida judge(Greer, who else were you expecting?) now says Terri Schiavo's feeding tube can be removed. The decision comes less than an hour after a ruling temporarily blocking the removal.

Globe reports breaking news

BREAKING NEWS: A Florida judge has temporarily blocked the removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube.
Things are happening fast and furious. Keep watching.

There's confusion as to whether the block is 20 minutes or 20 days.

Subpoena issued

Subpoena delivered to Schiavo's hospice
Question is whether it will override the court order.
And SHAME on you, ACLU.

Crunch time again, and Terri Fatigue

It's crunch time again, people.
At 1PM this afternoon, unless the subpoena is issued
as promised, feeding tubes will be removed.
News media heated up again since this Wednesday.
I wonder what they were doing between then, did
they have a Terri fatigue? The only exception
being the bloggers and The Empire Journal,
an online news outlet. The Empire Journal has been
hacked multiple times recently, and apparently
the stories regarding Terri were deleted.
I don't like the fact that many religious organizations
are involved in saving Terri. It is obvious to me that
the religious rights are trying to profit from this and
so do the Republicans. Unfornately, if Terri is to be
saved, this seems to be the only way and then SO BE IT.

Monday, March 14, 2005

China threat, menace, or whatever you call it

With the passage of anti-secession law, China threat has
again picked up volume in media, left and right.
The Two Faces of Rising China by New York Times.
Brazen China by Washington Post.
Trade agreements dangerous to U.S.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Stinking slow Blogger

Yeah, I am lazy, but I was going to post something
yesterday, when I found was again
stinking slow.
I am seriously considering move to some other
hosting websites, provided free.
Of course,I can't remember what I was going to
post for yesterday. And that's all Google's fault.
Come on, Google, fix this stinking database.

Friday, March 04, 2005

It's time to swtich to Red Flag Linux

Remember Microsoft said that if Chinese were to pirate,
it would rather be Windows than any other OS. Now it's
apprent that Microsoft will try to reep years of patience
by offering a 50% coupon for turning out pirate dealer.
Another tactic would be closing activation "loophole".
Now you have to call when you reinstall. What a crap.
This is my computer, I own it, not Microsoft. I do
what I want with it, granted, within legal boundry.
It's high time to switch to Linux, and even Chinese
has a choice in Red Flag Linux. Man, I love the name.

Ha, ha, HBS hacked

Harvard applicants breached security
This is what they pay for rejecting my application!


It's the OIL, stupid.
After Operation Iraq Liberation, the gasoline price
is still poised to break record.
I don't know about you, but I am heading to Walmart
to buy all gas cans on their shelf and fill them up
over the weekend.
Check here see how your state fars.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Wearing out

Media attention wears out fast.
Nobody is talking about SB or Dynasty anymore.
And all the attention on Terri wears out only faster.
I guess I will just do a health proxy(This is MA)
for myself indicating that I do not ever want life
support stripped from me should I become terminally
ill or disabled like Terri and then move on with my
life until March, 18.

How to gain publicity in blogspace?

You, actually I, wonder how to gain publicity
in blogspace? How can I attract hundreds, even
thousands of readers to my blog? Considering
the fact that I remain anonymous without exposing
my profile and more often than not, express
middle-of-the-road opinions which pissed off
both left and right people.
A google search reveals, at least I believe, to
be the answer:
Comment on a celebrity like Zhao Ziyang!
BTW, this blog is available for trade.
Since this blog is worth so much, I will definitely
think twice next time I wage.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


When I arrive in US, I can't believe how devoted people are to
the religions here. Brought up in China, yes, you can say that
I am brain washed by the communist party, I don't believe in
any religion.
Traditional or old-time chinese don't ACTUALLY believe in any
religion either. They had all portraits(?) of the gods from all
religions/folk stories in their home and pray for blessing.
Almost all of the religions on earth, except one, claim that
their god is the only and almighty god. The exception is FLG
cult, yes, I call it a cult. FLG claims that you can believe
all other gods, as long as you acknowledge that FLG reigns
over all other gods. See, this shows that FLG is a very trully

Just some thoughts when the Supreme Court mulls over
Ten Commandments.

PS, Shouldn't we first and foremost litigate it out as which version
of the Ten Commandments(Jews, Catholics or Protestants) is the
TRULLY and ONLY version from GOD?
I think that's way more important than where it should be displayed.

PS2, Except for the ones that claim being the trully and only God,
the others in the Ten Commandments are pretty common sense
morals. Violations would even be criminal in some cases. So why
can't it be adapted to remove the God part and put the rest out
on government properties? Yeah, yeah, I know, neither side will
like this idea.


The Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, Mass.-N.H. is
the riskiest real estate market.
Providence-New Bedford-Fall River, R.I.-Mass.
ranks fifth, not that far apart.
Reported here.
Funny thing is that none of the local newspaper
is reporting this. Maybe they think that if they
lay low and don't talk about it, it will go away.

Forget about the dirty bomb, you are living on
the time bomb right here, right now.

Terri and Lee Malvo

Supreme Court strikes down death penalty for juveniles
Let me get this straight. So it's ok to execute Terri by
cruel and unusual punishment, i.e., starvation and
dehydration. It's not ok to execute Lee Malvo, because
he's underage? And what did Terri do to deserve it
and we all knew what Lee did.
No wonder the right wings are jumping all over this.