My n-Daily Ranting

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Hypocrisy abundant

The moral of the whole Terri saga is NOT
The right to live vs. The right to die
The riligious right vs. The liberal left
Pro Life vs. Pro Choice
The spouse vs. The parents
The State vs. The Fed

People on all sides of the issue are HYPOCRITES.

The religious right believe that it is immoral to
do anything unnatural to stop the possibility of
starting a life. i.e. condoms, birth control, etc.
But it is perfectly OK to use every unnatural means
possible to avoid the natural process of the end of
live. i.e. mechanical means to keep a human alive
for 15 years, who would otherwise die.

The liberal left believe that it is immoral to
kill a convicted death row crimial. They would
do anything to stop the possibility of executing
the crimial, let the guy drag out the appeal process
and eventally exonerated by a governor.
But it is perfectly OK to execute Terri with unusual
and cruel punishment of starvation and dehydration?
Heck, it's only 7 years of court fight. Some death
row crimial gets a lot more than that. And Terri
doesn't even have a chance of exoneration.

Of course, yours truly, is among the HYPOCRITES,
and probably the worst kind, who switched the
stance. Yep, I flip-flopped.

So once again, I would turn to the chinese wisdom
that lasted thousands of years:


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