My n-Daily Ranting

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Pathetic local media

While I am at it, let's remember something about the
local media who is as pathetic as the Rex Sox.
1. When Yankees lost their chance to World Series 2003,
the local media were excited to broadcast the "Good
2. Season opener of 2004, there was only one game and
Yankee lost. The local media were celebrating the fact
that Yankee is at the bottom of the league.

Of course, local media were furious when Pedro called
Yankees his daddy. And they are furious now because
Pedro heads for Yan..., oh, no, Mets, never mind.

Come on, don't think that Red Sox is an equal to Yankees.
No, they are NOT. Just count the World Series Champions
Yankees got during the 86 years of drought.


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