My n-Daily Ranting

Friday, February 25, 2005

3 weeks stay

The stay is extened for 3 weeks, to March,18th.
Now I hope DCF will make good use of the time.


I believe that human being has the right to die in dignity.
But Terri's case is far from a right-to-die case. Terri is
not terminally ill and left no written evidence that she
wants to terminate her life. She can breathe on her own,
and all she needs is food and water. Granted that she
cannot feed herself, but so are true for all the babies
out there. Euthanasia does not apply here. Murder is
what's happening and murder by starving and dehydration
is way beyond cruelty. You don't do that even to death-row
criminals who commit murder.
Michael Schiavo has obvious conflict of interest. He
should be stripped of guardianship ASAP.
At this 15th anniversary of Terri Schiavo's mysterious
collapse, another critical decision will be made today
at 5PM. As a pessimist, I don't forsee a favorable dicision.
It was apparent that judge Greer is not happy with DCF's
intervention. I just hope that Gibbs, the attorney for
Schindlers, has good plan B. IANAL, but I knew it's a Friday.
I plan to focus blogging on Terri's case for a while.

Latest development in WBIX

Bleidt case may spur a host of suits
It's a pity that WBIX is a total crap now.

Terri blogs

Terri Blogs Aggregator

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Down to the wire

Theresa Schindler-Schiavo case is at yet another
critical juncture. Lastest development.
I urge all of you who is reading this blog do what
you can to help Terri's fight.
Again, I cannot believe this is happening in the US.
I am not a right-wing nut. I am pro-choice.
However, on this Terri's case, I am 100% on board with
all the right-wing nuts and pro-life people out there.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Can't wait for the contract to expire

Bad, Bad, TMobile.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Illegal Aliens

WRKO talking heads, esp the local ones,
Blute and scotto, John DePetro and Howie Carr
are all firmly against illegal aliens, since they
drain the precious resources and dollars from
the free care pool so much to cause the
vantilator case.
I strongly recommend this White House solution
to them, especially, it's from their favorite,
THE FOX, not some crazy liberal medias.
Now how would the legal guest workers NOT drain
resources and dollars?

Ventilator case and feeding tube case

Hospital plans to remove patient from life support
despite wishes of family

I am never a huge fan of talk shows. Most often than not,
I found myself in disagreement. However, I have been 100%
in agreement with Rush Limbaugh on the feeding tube case.
Now, Massachusetts is having its own ventilator case.
What is wrong with the country? Where is the belief that
values life? Is financial motive trumping everything now?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Probability & Minority Majority

It's a while since something interesting pop up at
Philip Greenspun's weblog.
As Philip noticed, there are a lot of asian-american
It's no secret that asian-american are minority in
population, but treated as majority at colleges.
Notice Philip's dinner companion's explanation.
Colleges have special pre-enrollment programs for
black students, but not for whites and asians.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Come on, it's the rooster year.

Police should have known.

Brady's INT and Vinatieri missed FG

Oh, my god. The sky is falling.
Except that's in Pro Bowl.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The difference between winners and losers

Losers party before the game.

parade after the game.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

NK has WMD

N.Korea Says It Has Nuclear Arms, Spurns Talks
IF you don't have WMDs, we will invade you and rid you of WMDs.
IF you do, we will ...

South Korea has a consulate office in the building I work.
I better go there to check out if they are panicing...

PS ... Seek Diplomatic Deal
Mao said "paper tiger", you know.

Surprise, surprise

Herald stikes to counter this.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Google, becoming evil?

Google blogger has left the building
Google blogger reappears, redacted
The real blog.
I am sad that Google joins the ranks of M$ to
fire employees who vents even just mild criticism
in their personal blogs.

Google, did you forget your motto?

Don't be evil.

PS. This is the reason why I have the guy's blog listed as one of my favorites.

Clock management

Many believes the clock management in the fourth quarter
by Eagles is fatal and what brings down the birds. I have a
different take. When the Pats led by 10 and you needed to
score twice to win, you simply cannot go to no-huddle mode.
It's like you pushed the panic button and all of a sudden, you
will find that the Pats will be all over you and either a fumble
or an interception will be in the cards. I think Eagles made
a minor mistake by not taking the WRs to the sideline, catching
the ball and going out of bounds. Keep going through the huddles
will calm yourself down and one-step-at-a-time approach is
what helped Eagles to get within three points. Remember,
Harrison was still worrying about TO taking it to the house
moments before his interception, that means Eagles was still
a threat until the final seconds. Had they gone to the no-huddle
mode, Eagles would be a no-threat much earlier.
Of course, Eagles was in a no-win situation. Whatever they do,
huddle or not, they will be criticized since they lost.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Throw the dictionary at me, please

Some fools are still arguing Why the Patriots Are Not a Dynasty, throwing the heavyweight English dictionary at anyone who disagrees.

"NFL has no dynasties". That's fine, just don't single out Patriots.
Say it out loud:
Dallas Cowboys is not a dynasty.
San Francisco 49ers is not a dynasty.
Pitt Steelers is not a dynasty.
Green Bay Packers is not a dynasty.
That'll make you a lot of friends.

I don't care about the English dictionary, my native language is Chinese.
But even I know not to take the word literally.

Abuse of power?

Healey says ride through traffic was wrong
This headline angered right wing and so-called independent
talking heads and vehemently argued that it's not an abuse
of power. I am glad that they mentioned the traffic jams
brought by the Harvard visit by Chinese Premier in 2003.
In China, it's routine for someone of power to blast through
traffic or simply block the whole area. I am used to it and
I will not complain. Because I don't hold high standard.
So I admire Healey for her apology and promise. She lived
up to the higher standard. Now if those talking heads want
to lower the standard and cut some slacks, that's fine as
long as you don't claim higher moral grounds than China.
You can't have both ways, that'll be like eh, a flip-flopper.

Monday, February 07, 2005

A dynasty, indeed

A couple of thoughts, without particular order.

  • This is not the end of the end

  • "As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." is most approprite comment for the Pats secondary. Two rookies and a second year "veteran"?

  • This is probably as dominant as Pats can be, i.e., the game did not go down to a Adam Vinatieri field goal in the final second, although doing it three times would have secured a place for Adam in Canton.

  • Stingy New England fans. Clearly they are outnumbered by Philly fans, some say, by a ratio of 1:6-7.

  • Hub of the universe, again, at least in the sports, although the wounds left by Gillette deal is still open.

  • Rodney Harrison doubled catches than Freddie Mitchell.

  • "Everyone pretty much wrote us off, didn't give us a chance," Harrison said. "Everyone picked Philly to win this game. It really gave us a lot of motivation to try and come out and win this game." Wonder where did that come from? Maybe he refers to the losers here.

  • Eagles put up a good fight, I have to admit. TO was very effective, evidenced by Rodney Harrison's comment on his game-ending interception, "I'll tell you, I was nervous back there, with Donovan in control of the ball with 17 seconds to go. He's capable of making a play with his legs as well as his arm. There's still the chance that maybe he hits T.O. [Terrell Owens] on a 70-yard slant and he takes it to the house." Maybe TO should seriously consider signing up with Pats. He can fit in Pats with his fighting spirits and God, whose last name is Belichick, will bless him with a ring.

  • Unfornately, Pats beat the Pennsylvania State, a place where I loved dearly and hoped to retire in, dearly, twice.

  • Tom Brady showed his unusual human side in the first half. Mr. Cool was shaky, maybe due to his grandma's death. That's probably the only moment of chance that Eagles might prevail. Fortunately, he wasn't facing Tom Brady.

  • This is interesting. "In 1998 Brady and McNabb faced off in another duel when both were 21-year-old college quarterbacks. McNabb, of Syracuse University, clearly had the upper hand, throwing three touchdown passes and running for another in the 38-28 win, whereas Michigan's Brady was intercepted on his first series of downs and eventually replaced. Philadelphia's coach Andy Reid acknowledged that McNabb's performance in that game had been instrumental in his decision to make the Syracuse signal-caller the No1 pick in his first college draft, and Brady's woes may well have contributed to his falling to the sixth round a year later, but the shoe has been on the other foot of late." It just proved once again, you never know what life will throw at you.

  • With 20/20 hindsight, it worth every bit of the first round draft to get Bill Belichick. In fact, it worth every bit of first through fifth rounds draft combined, as long as you keep the sixth round for Tom Brady.

  • They are coming back next year.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Old news: virus hit M$ again

MSN Messenger hit by double-whammy worm.
This is after they claimed just within a couple of days:
A. M$ is like Patriots
B. Linux security is a myth.

Now you know the rest of the story.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

More on Zhao Ziyang's death

Call me a HYPOCRITE, because I will now bash Zhao Ziyang.
As much as the western media would like to make a
reformer/dissenter/good guy out of him, his role is
more dubious than the western media hoped.
In terms of economic reform, Deng Xiaoping no doubt
takes most of the credits, as he will for the crackdown.
"Mr. Zhao was one of the architects of the liberalization
that has transformed and enriched his country."
That's an overstatement. He took part in the economic
reform, that's the extent of it.

Zhao's sons were among the elites who then profited
immensely from the reform, caused huge inflation and
thus part of the reasons for the students to strike.
If you believe the 1989 events were solely for
democracy, you don't know what happened then.
It was half political, half economical.

Credit Zhao for his objection to crackdown, but there's
no need to promote much more than that. Should he
be a great reformer as the western media hoped,
there would not have been the student strike at all.

Fools abundant

There are abundant fools around, predicting a bird's win.
Some less foolish would just call it a tight game without
naming a winner.
I am not afraid to predict a Pats win.
My wage, this blog. I will trash this blog should it happen.