My n-Daily Ranting

Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Welcome to the Neighborhood" axed

ABC pulls edgy reality show after groups complain
Now my question to you is, who do you think got voted out first and for what reason?
You are not supposed to know this, but the answer is the Asian couple because they work too hard?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Supreme court drama

History not made today. No one resigned. But it doesn't mean it's not memorable. Ten commandents decided, as well as a couple other important ones. However, the ruling is amusing, to say the least. "Governments can post the Ten Commandments on public property as part of a broader display of historical symbols, as long as officials aren't aiming to promote religion, the U.S. Supreme Court said." Let me translate it for you, it's ok for the supreme court itself to do it, not others, think about the display before the supreme court. Question, how can something become historical before it is even allowed to put up? No, not that I feel strongly about Ten commandents display at public property one way or another. Again, my main "problem" with the Ten commandents is that an official version should be decided before anything else.

Weather forecast crap

One thing for sure is the Weather Forecast in US is crap. The forecast is only good for the next day. It's up in the air once it gets to three days. Case in point, a week before my planned Saturday party, I checked the weather forecast to be 88 degrees. And it goes up 2 degrees every day until Saturday to be 99 degrees. Another example, when I woke up this morning, the forecast said high would be 86 degrees and four hours later, it's 88 degrees. Come on, why do I need such a crappy forecast?
I was told that all the forecast in US are actually done by "super computers". All the old-fashioned human forecasters are gone. As a programmer, I surely understand why those "super computers" are not reliable.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Global saving glut

Remember dear Alan's comment?
Here's a proof.
Forget about the dispute as whether Taiwan is a country, look at #2, #3, #5, #7.
If you see what I see...

Happy birthday, Jason Jiang

What a year it has been!
Savoring every happy moment you brought.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Begining of the end, for Boston housing market

Ok, this singals the begining of the end of housing boom in Boston area. No, I don't relish it. I am no longer a buyer and I probably bought at the height, spring of last year. No, I didn't regret it. Financially, yes. Emotionally, no. We needed it. Our son comes to this world 15 days after we moved in.
Housing will cool down eventually, like the dot-com. The turning point is usually when some people start to call a crash, then more and more follow. After the crash happens, then even more people jumped on the bandwagon and crashes harder. Some say house is different than stocks that you always need a roof over your head. Let's see how true it is.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Oops, China is not alone

34 took Taiwan trips
Ok, looks like maybe someone's going to be burnt by Taiwan trips.
And apparently, China is not alone in "making contributions and trying to influence the US politics", eh?

Remember 99 0s

I have reported to my new employer this Monday.
It's been exciting for the past couple of weeks.
Handing off stuffs and getting to know new stuffs.
I remembered 99 0s and the flap with Google.
I will not ever discuss my employers, past or present
on my blog. So this will be the only notice.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

/. slower than popyard

I noticed that /. reported Google Takes Top Spot From Time Warner later than Remember, popyard is maintained by a bunch of unorganized chinese students/engineers in US and it's all chinese content, which means someone has to translate the article.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Chinese currency

There's tons of debate and pressure floating
around about revaluating Chinese Yuan.
Alan Greenspan's view is not be taken lightly.
U.S. Bid to Change China Currency Disputed
And Clyde Prestowitz offers his view too.
Globalization game
I guess the issue is not as simple as Bush would like it to be.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Racism back on front page, part II

Old post.
Part II,
5 teams quit youth football league, Decision stirs racial tensions
Oh, this will not be the last.

In Vanguard I trust

WSJ reports on Vanguard.
Helping boomers chart their course
Call me penny wise, pound foolish.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

June 4th

Today is June 4th, sad anniversary for China.
To all the dead...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Rich town

Dig out an old article, thanks to Google.
This explains a puzzle I always have regarding the always mandatory water ban in Medway and voluntary water ban in Millis. And surprise, surprise, the rich town Wellesley is having an upper hand on the water usage. As Wellesley resident, the famous talk show host Howie Carr always refers to, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE in Wellesley.

Expert opinion

Economist: China should keep currency peg
"Robert Mundell, a Nobel laureate in economics whose ideas lay the groundwork for Europe's common currency, said Friday there is no reason for China to change its much-criticized currency peg to the U.S. dollar."
Apprently, the congress think they are the real experts.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It's the opposite in China

In US, more geeks or most /.ers are M$ haters,
Google lovers. In China, it seems to be just
the opposite. I can read a negative news about
Google at least weekly on Chinese websites.
And there are so many M$ lovers constantly
sharing M$ tricks and idiocy.
My explanation is piracy may be free in terms
of money, it costs immensely in terms of wasted
brain power.