My n-Daily Ranting

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

M$'s predication, "GREAT" news for IT workers

Microsoft Says PC Users Drowning in Info
Gates' top researcher, Richard F. Rashid, said he expects a 30 percent decline in computer science graduates from U.S. schools within two years, citing surveys showing a 60 percent drop in interest in the subject among incoming freshmen.
"I'm really worried. We already have jobs we can't fill," Rashid said. "I don't know where we're going to find people in this country to hire."
Come on, tell me which job you can't fill. I will apply.
Or I think the key word is "IN THIS COUNTRY". Apparently India is the way to go.

Friday, April 22, 2005

History distortion

During recent spat between China and Japan, I have
read more than dozens of reviews or comments stating
that China did not come out clean in terms of writing
history either. They charge China has distorted
history on many issues, such as "The Great Leap Forward",
"The Culture Revolution", and of course "June 4th".
If this is an academic discussion, I couldn't agree
more. As old chinese saying, "If you don't want it
to happen to you, then don't do it to others".
Yet on a practical level, this is as different as it
could ever be. Remember, the saying is "If you don't
want it to happen to you, then don't do it to OTHERS".
Japan brought major destruction and atrocity to Asia,
especially to China, which it has yet to recognize
and apologize and amend. Whether China distorted its
own history book is irrelevant.
Well, as I think about it, history will always be
distorted by those in power. It's a fact. The recent
spat is just another power struggle, and it sure is
not the last.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

A police chief with a lot of free time

New Ipswich, NH police chief Garrett Chamberlain made
news recently.
He appears to have a lot of free time at hand, such that
he can chat on the talk radio show WRKO for 50 minutes.
Hey, chief, go out and patrol.

Suckers, Whiners, Losers

NYSE floor traders fret about job security after deal
They didn't whine a bit when the company they trade was
moving jobs overseas or eliminating altogether.
Next to go, the analysts. Eventually, computer will be
able to issue buy/sell recommendations. In fact, as
some already knew, the dart throwing monkey does better.

Racism back on front page

Hub race woes serious, study finds
It is ironic that the bluest state still has huge racism problem,
some indicates even worse than red states.
In terms of racism, the asian minority majority in colleges is far
worse a problem, especially in this town of top universities.

Vanguard lowers the threashold for Admiral shares

Vanguard extends savings of Admiral Shares program
So my near-term goal would be to become Admiral shareholders.
I don't know what will eventually elevates me to Admiral status.
Is it going to be the 100K or decade time? Latter is more likely.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A new transitional pope

Breaking news:
Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany is new pope

So much for the chinese pope fantasy, or the fantasy lives on.
He's already 78 and it's going to be less than a decade for his papacy.
Again, as old chinese saying, 73 and 84.
I guess I will see another conclave in a decade, at which time,
I might have enough savings to go to Vatican to see it for myself.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Passive index investing

Ok, I am sold. I am now a Vanguard Diehard.
You want to know why? Not the least of which is FUD like this:
The Hidden Risks of Index Investing
Of course, it is picked apart by fellow diehards
Thread 40750

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Chinese pope?

This crack-smoking guy comes up something I was thinking also:
A Chinese pope
Reaction goes both ways. Can you imagine the reaction from the
non-Chinese authorities to such a move?

A dumb idea

A truly dumb idea.
I don't understand how Americans can stand paying for these
stupid people for dumb ideas year in and year out. Everyone
I saw these days were still trying to recover from the tragedy
of losing 2% of the weekend and traffic accidents are a lot more
than winter days when snow was falling.
Mandatory telecommuting is the real soluation to energy shortage.

Kill Bill

This is a good one.
Although the end of the story is a little sad.
Hey, kid, you have Linux, OpenOffice and GMail.
M$ didn't, doesn't and will not own the universe.

Stupid move

Taiwan's Chen invited to funeral
If Vartican truly wants to mend relationships with China,
it just has to cut ties with Taiwan. This latest stupid
move will only erk China and keep the status quo.
I was hopeful, now I am hopeless. I guess, after all, the
communist party has a point, the Vartican just loves to
meddle with internal affairs in China.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

New Pope, New Hope

HK bishop hints at Vatican switch
As mentioned in the blog before, I was hoping a new pope will
bring about new hope to the better relationships between
China and Vatican. It is absurd to me that China has to stand
out to be the only country where Catholics are self-governed.
Better Catholics than FLG, isn't it?
On the other hand, Vatican will have to cut ties to Taiwan,
there's no doubt about that.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Fraud called in Zimbabwe election

Zimbabwe’s Struggle
Why am I not surprised when fraud, described as massive was
called in Zimbabwe election? Because I read an article yesterday
attacking China for assisting ruling party in Zimbabwe. So it's
only logical that massive fraud MUST HAVE happened since
the ruling party won.
My enemy's enemy is my friend, so my enemy's friend is my enemy.
Got it?
Had the ruling party lost, this would be another excellent example
of "democracy at work" and "triumph of people's will".

May he rest in peace, or is it too early?

Ouch, thunderbolts!
Despite strained Vatican relations,
China says concerned about Pope

Not true, I never see a single Catholic chinese arrested for
worshiping in unofficial churches and private homes.
In fact, in recent years, Catholics has become ever popular
among young people, just like McDonalds and KFC.
With a pope credited for fighting communism and made
saints of those priests who committed crimes during
Opium War, Vatican shares blame too.
Now let's see if a possible new Pope will bring about changes...
Ouch, thunderbolts, again!

May she rest in peace, so as to many

This will be my last blog about Terri.
It's an incredible story and experience for me.
I have learnt a lot about US society in this ordeal.
Raised in China, I always have mixed feeling about
the "democracy" in US. On the one hand, you cannot
argue against free speech and election. On the other
hand, it is always my belief that "democracy" works
only to a certain level, i.e., there's a limit on
how well "democracy" works WRT the size and how
well educated of the population.
Free speech is great and all, but too much information
(misinformation) from free speech is counter productive.
Uneducated or not well informed population is as easy
to manipulate as those in "non-democratic" countries.
I guess low election turn-out rate in US is another
form of political wisdom in "democracy" as well as
the "don't talk about polictics" in "non-democracy".

May Terri rest in peace...

73 and 84

Chinese think 73 and 84 are threasholds when
the death comes upon more often than not.
I don't know why the two numbers are picked.
It may be a myth. But here's a piece of evidence:
Frank Perdue, chicken magnate and TV pitchman, dies at 84

Now, another person is severly ill at the age
of 84. I dare not say his name directly, since
I sincerely fear the thunderbolt from GOD.
But you know I don't see a good chance.
Pope said conscious, in grave condition