My n-Daily Ranting

Friday, May 27, 2005

401k, biggest scam

Fidelity's Reynolds urges automatic 401(k) enrollment
Most 401k plan out there charge outrageous fees.
Careful calculation shows time and time again
that fees eat into the tax deferral and even
company contribution. The 401(k) is really the
biggest scam out there. I just don't trust
Fido is sincere, since it's losing its No 2
post in the mutual fund world and may want
to recover from 401(k) fees.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Neither side is happy = Good compromise

It is very clear that neither side is very happy about
the compromise on the filibuster after months of
filibuster on the filibuster.
That must have meant that the compromise is a
good one.
Now can we get a compromise on the weather, please?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

More pressure...

Treasury turns up heat on China for forex change
Now six months deadline is set. I am more than
comfortable to bet Yuan will not revaluate in
the coming six months. Nada, 0 chance.

A clampdown?

A Clampdown in China by NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF.
Interesting read, but isn't it just the same old
bashing dumped on Chinese leaders ever since Mao?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Blame China

Now here's someone who still has a clear head,
Hey `South Park,' Come to Shanghai: William Pesek Jr.
It's no secret to me that the more US pressures
China to revaluate Yuan, the less likely it will
happen. US is doing a disservice to itself.
If US keeps its mouth shut about Yuan revaluation,
it will not be a year before Yuan revaluates.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Lost in translation

How a news story, translated badly, caused trading panic
The question is not whether but when Yuan will revaluate higher.
And this will not the last the mishap before then. Just enjoy the ride.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

In the 5% minority

Google ponders Blogger, Gmail integration

“We really spent a lot of time working on that and overall performance for 95 percent of users is really great. We’re continuing to work to make that last few just as good,” Stone said.

I guess I am left in the dust along with 5% minority.
Somehow, I don't believe the number.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

KABUL Massacre

KABUL Massacre
Oh, man. They are killing students, much like the uh,
Tian An Men Massacre. Of course, they are not really
students, they are "mobs". Am I the only one to see
Ok, it's not friday yet. Bad things are already happening.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

May 13th, Friday

In case you haven't noticed, May 13th is a friday.
Bad things are bound to happen.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Some mainlanders, please

I am watching 24 on Fox. The chinese actors were obviously
from Taiwan, with different accents than mainlanders.
If you want to depict PRC, at least use some mainlanders.
Let me just say that except for The Simpons, everything else
on Fox is crap. It's amazing so many idiots watch THE Idol?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

China, hot topic

Does the Future Belong to China?
Is it possible to miss out this guy? Of course not.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Runaway bride and angry talk show hosts

Ok, most of the talk show hosts of WRKO today are
extremely angry at the runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks.
I am wondering if they are angry because she wasn't
kidnapped by a Hispanic? and thus they lost another
excellent shot at illegal aliens?

Different attitudes

In the talk show business, the more radical you look like,
the more welcome you are. So I am really chocked when this guy,
Bob Brinker was sounding nice words to China.
He was saying something like Chinese are very good people
and they would not crash planes on 911 and it's going to
be mutually beneficial for US and China to maintain good
This is so different from every other political talk shows
I have ever listened from WRKO. Finally, I realized this is
a money talk show.
I am hopeful in the wisdom of "Money Talks".